You Are Not Alone

God did not intend for you to feel alone. He wants you to be surrounded with encouragement from others. Sometimes we can walk down such painful roads, that we begin to believe we are not worthy of having good relationships. We feel we are meant to be alone with our thoughts, anxiety, and overwhelm that lead us to self-destruction and that is so untrue, my friends. The same power that is in Jesu lives in you. God will move mountains for you if you let him. He can take away the strongholds in your life and soften your heart. He can take the negative thoughts in your mind and teach you to replace them with positive ones. In purposeful prayer, you can feel the warmth of His love as it pours into your heart. There is just something about waking up in the morning before your feet even hit the floor, praying for God to help you have a great day…for Him to encourage you to do all you can do for His glory. It is truly the best gift you can give yourself. Open your mind to His plan as He lays it out step by step. Take a moment to stand in HIS sunshine and be thankful for all He has given you. It is then that others will see his glory and be encouraged by your new glow. Nothing of this world can separate you from our glorious God…. NOTHING!! Pray and believe it! Romans 8: 38-39 says, “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.“ Allow this scripture to be your truth today. Use it to change the way you are thinking about who you are and believe that God is with you every step of the way.
You are worthy of God’s love and grace!

Stand in the sunshine today, and feel His presence.

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